LCA Covid-19 Policy

With the advent of COVID-19, facilities have had to adapt to a new normal. LCA is beginning with the new normal as our baseline.

As a small private Christian academy we are committed to doing everything within our power, including prayer, to keep our students, our faculty, our staff, and our families healthy while providing each student with a Christ-centered, academically excellent, classical education. LCA has consulted with and will continue to consult with the Centers for Disease Control, the Georgia Department of Education, Georgia Department of Health, and the Columbia County School District, and other academys to develop the most beneficial protocol specifically tailored for Logos Classical Academy and our community.

Additional Material: Centers for Disease Control white paper.

LCA's protocol involves a four front approach:

1. Equipping the Family

As Christians our view of the coronavirus should be very different from that of a secular world. For a good Biblical perspective we encourage parents to read The Coronavirus and Christ by John Piper. This small 100 page book may be:
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Listen as an Audio Book
Purchase in Paperback

2. Guarding the Academy Gate

We want to reduce the risk to our staff and students by guarding the academy gate to keep the Coronavirus out. This means:

  • Prior to the academy day beginning all staff and teachers will have their temperature check.
  • Upon arrival each morning the temperature for each student will be checked. A temperature of 100 or higher will result in the student returning home with the parent.
  • All visitors are required to check in with the administrative assistant prior to entering the academy and will undergo a temperature check.

Students experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should not come to academy until they are symptom free for 24 hours. Students with a fever of 100 degrees or greater may not come to the academy until they are symptom free without the assistance of fever suppressing medicine for 24 hours.

Students diagnosed with COVID-19:

  1. Must not attend the academy
  2. Must report the diagnosis to the academy
  3. Must self-isolate for 5 days after testing positive with the testing day being day 0.

Students exposed to individuals with COVID-19:

  1. Must not attend the academy
  2. Must report the diagnosis to the academy
  3. Must self-isolate for 5 days after testing positive with the testing day being day 0.

Teachers and staff will work with families during this time of self-isolation to ensure the students continue progressing academically but cannot guarantee the same academic support provided to students attending academy in-person.

3. Safety within the Academy

We cannot guarantee that individuals attending academy will not be exposed to COVID-19 and other illnesses. It is possible that students, staff, faculty, parents, and visitors will be exposed to COVID-19 and other illnesses while attending academy, working at the academy, or visiting the academy. However, we want to do everything possible to reduce that possibility. We will educate and encourage staff and students to practice good hygiene within the academy. This will include washing hands frequently, as well as covering coughs and sneezes with the elbow. We want to provide education to students on how to practice good hygiene relative not only to COVID 19, but any communicable illness. At this time face coverings are not mandated, but allowed. In the event that COVID 19 becomes more widespread LCA retains the option of requiring students and staff to wear face coverings.

Hand washing will be encouraged before lunch and recess, lunch tables will be disinfected each day, and a sanitizing station will be available for students to use during or after lunch and recess. Students will usually eat lunch outside; however, during inclement weather students will eat lunch inside in the church’s fellowship hall where disinfected tables and chairs will be set up.

In addition to cleaning by custodial staff, teachers will disinfectant desks, tables, door handles, and supplies in order to sanitize classrooms at the end of each day. While masks are not required to be worn, students, staff, and school visitors may choose to wear COVID-19 related masks (mouth and nose coverings). Masks should not have pictures, images, slogans, or statements on them and should not become a distraction. Masks must be labeled with the first and last name of the owner to prevent similar looking masks from being accidentally exchanged or lost.

While we want to take necessary precautions within the academy, we also recognize that children need to be children. We want to make the classroom environment as normal for them as possible in order to promote their mental and emotional health as well as their physical health.

4. Providing an Excellent Education

We are not able to offer a virtual academy option for LCA students concurrently with in-person learning. We do not have the staff or resources to provide both in-person classes and Teacher Directed Home Learning.

If there is a high percentage of COVID-19 related absences from one class we will transition to LCS Teacher Directed Home Learning for that particular class for a period of time during the academy year.

If a large percentage of the academy is ill and cannot attend academy, we will move the full academy to Teacher Directed Home Learning.